AI-powered Conversational Data Platform

Automatically connect and transform any voice, chatbot, SMS, email, or other text data. Find actionable insights and drive automation at scale.

Dashbot delivers concrete ROI


in Voice of Customer coverage through data

increased engagement

with self-service experiences in 1 year

increased FTE efficiency

for data scientists & NLP managers

saved annually

in Conversational AI program management costs

{Problem / Solution Headline}
Your VoC program is failing
Uncover the 'Why' Behind Your Customer Feedback

Understanding the "why" behind your CSAT and NPS survey results is vital in the world of customer experience. However, manually analyzing thousands of open-ended survey responses is time-consuming, resource-intensive, and challenging to maintain over time. 

Benefit #1: 
All of your CX data at your fingertips

Benefit explained. Benefit explained. Benefit explained.

Benefit #2:
Automated insights from unstructured surveys

Benefit explained. Benefit explained. Benefit explained.

Benefit #3: 
Difficulty determining an action plan to improve CX

Benefit explained. Benefit explained. Benefit explained.


Transform Unstructured Conversational Data

Petabytes of unstructured text are generated from customer interactions with chatbots, support agents, surveys, and other feedback nodes. Dashbot's conversational data platform not only unifies all of these data sources, we transform this unstructured conversational data so you can expand your VoC coverage and have all of your CX data at your fingertips.


View the Full User Journey

Integrate your CX channels and see the full multi-channel customer journey for the first time to begin optimizing the user experience. When a customer goes from the chatbot, to live chat, then escalates to a live agent, to then communicating through email — you can now stitch it all together.


Discover Automated, Actionable Insights

Eliminate thousands of manual hours spent combing through customer interactions for the nuggets of insights. Dashbot leverages the latest AI to extract actionable insights from your mountains of customer interaction data instantly, at scale.


Create Custom Reporting

Unify your organization through a centralized data hub with real-time updates and reports to track performance, blend data sources, monitor success KPIs, and set alerts of underperforming KPIs.


No-Code, Visual Tools

Eliminate the dependency on your technical resources to pull data and insights for you by utilizing our no-code, flexible, and intuitive data exploration tools. Slice and dice your data in many different ways, to get down to the important conversations.


The flexible conversational data platform for all your needs

Get a unified tool with cutting-edge capabilities to tackle any of your evolving use cases.

Data Transformation

Transform raw, unstructured data into insightful, ready-to-use formats, empowering data-driven decisions

Data Stitching

Merge data siloes into a unified, comprehensive view for richer analysis

Automated Data Labeling

Utilize AI to efficiently categorize and annotate data sets with precision, no pre-training required

Data Querying

Ask questions of the data to generate reports and insights without any SQL or technical knowledge

Data Visualizations

Visualize conversational data to surface trends and extract insights at scale

AI-powered Platform

Harness the latest LLMs and open source technologies for advanced insights and process automation

Intelligent Insights

Uncover hidden insights and leverage predictive analysis for proactive decision-making

User Journeys

Visualize omni-channel user journeys to track and optimize every customer interaction

Automatic Monitoring

Monitor performance to quantify business impact and continuously adapt in real-time

Unified Data Access

'Single source of truth' data for quick decision-making and aligning cross-departmental efforts

Powerful Dashboards

User-friendly dashboards to consolidate, visualize, and analyze key data metrics

Fine-tuned Models

Fine-tune models with specific data and use cases to match specific business needs

Built for enterprise-grade
security and reliability

We hold ourselves to the highest data and security standards to deliver
enterprise-grade security and reliability to all of our clients

SOC2 Compliant

We uphold the highest data security standards with SOC2 compliance

ISO 27001 Compliant

We uphold the highest data security standards with ISO compliance

GDPR Compliant

We uphold the highest data security standards with GDPR compliance

PII Redaction

PII redaction libraries are available for your teams to redact PII

Penetration Testing

Continuous penetration testing monitored & audited

Cloud or On-prem

Options available for cloud or single tenancy requirements

Infinitely Scalable

Our infrastructure is purpose-built for scale & performance

Data Deletion

Upon request, we can delete all of the data ever sent by you

MSAs for Enterprises

Master Service Agreements available for all enterprise clients

All the ways to get data into Dashbot

Integrate any conversational data source in just 2-3 lines of code, or even upload a raw data file. Dashbot supports any conversational channel, including live-agent conversations and raw conversational data.  Our API is asynchronous and non-blocking.

Case Studies

Customer stories

We've had the privilege of partnering with amazing companies to help deliver magical, authentic customer experiences by unlocking the insights in their data

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"Dashbot is key for us to both report outcomes to the business and prioritize where to dedicate resources to enhancing our customer journey."

— Maureen O'Sullivan, Program Manager

Read Customer Story

"We have to be able to quickly interpret conversations at scale and adjust to new requests and conversation topics. Dashbot gives us the insights we need to provide the support needed to those when they need it most."

— Hailey Burgess, Product Manager

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"The partnership with Dashbot has been instrumental in supporting our remarkable improvements in our self-service performance and customer journey optimization."

— Jenny Burr, Speech & Science Analytics

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