QuickBooks and Dashbot: A Success Story in Optimizing Customer Service

How Intuit leveraged Dashbot to enhance user experience and boost efficiency

Intuit QuickBooks is dedicated to providing critical accounting support to over seven million small businesses.


Intuit QuickBooks, serving seven million small businesses, faced a significant challenge in managing high volumes of unstructured data from their QuickBooks Assistant chatbot. The solution? Dashbot's Conversational Data Cloud. This powerful tool provided the visibility and insight needed to optimize the chatbot's performance, leading to significant improvements in customer service and reduced human intervention.

Key Metrics

  • Reduction in 'Not Handled Rate' by 35.3%
  • Reduction in human escalation by 57%

The Challenge

With over 1 million sessions per month across 50+ bots, QuickBooks Assistant was overwhelmed with unstructured data, leading to mishandled or unhandled intents. The chatbots resulted in inaccurate responses and unnecessary escalation to live agents, frustrating customers and hindering efficient support.

The Solution

Dashbot's Conversational Data Cloud provided a full transcript of every session, mapping conversational paths and revealing what customers were asking. This visibility allowed QuickBooks to optimize conversation flow based on actual customer interactions, improving the chatbot's performance and reducing the occurrence of mishandled intents.

The Results

The implementation of Dashbot led to a significant reduction in fallback intent by over 35% and human escalations by 57%. Despite an increase in usage, human escalation continued to decrease. The success of this implementation led to the expansion of QuickBooks Assistant to QuickBooks Online, offering a more complex and full-scale chatbot experience.

Get started with Dashbot

Conversations are the lifeblood of your business. Get customer insights and signals with a window into your dark data.