
Once upon a time, there was a world before bots. 

Today, they have changed how customers shop, work, and solve problems.  

Build a bot, deploy a bot.  Now what? 

Enter, Dashbot’s Blueprint solution


Structure the Unstructured

Conversational data is extremely complex, and we got you! Dashbotters have discovered how to automate extremely complex and unstructured data processing for you.  Building with a data-first (vs. data-end) strategy sets your foundation for long-term growth to continuously improve your bot projects and conversational initiatives.

Once you connect your conversational data to Dashbot’s platform, Blueprint organizes your data from different sources, transforming the complex data sets into an automatically structured view of your conversational data.  

1. Connect your data
Visualize everything from your bot traffic data and NLP data model to social media comments, product reviews, and service contact center transcripts.  All of your data in 1 place.
2. Transform your data
Automate your data organization to transform your data sets from unstructured to structured data with Dashbot’s ML. 
3. Activate your data
Explore the depths of your highly personalized and contextualized data with your data experts to discover business use cases and export training data for your bots. 

What if you could auto-organize your conversational data?

Save your time managing and processing data

Topics, Intents, & Entities- instantly categorized via Dashbot’s ML from massive amounts of different data sources.  Increase team productivity by automating manual processing from months to seconds so you can do your thing!

Understand your customer experience topics

Big picture view into the most common topics coming straight from the source- your customer. All of the topics at your fingertips to view on a similarity map, and drill into details of phrases, message count, and sentiment to truly own and manage your data.

Increase speed to market

Empower your business and technical teams with efficiency and visibility on your data and game plan to meet your goals.  Whether it’s launching a new bot program with customized training data or building a roadmap to growth, our team of experts can guide you to launching as quickly as 1 month


Get started
with Dashbot

Bring light to explore your dark data & discover your deeply rooted signals on our AI platform for data-driven connected experiences.