Unlock your dark data with the window into your conversations

How to capture and analyze unstructured (dark) data

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Unlock your dark data with the window into your conversations

Key points to unlocking your dark data 

  • Connect all your conversations across all your channels: chat, voice, social, customer support, etc. for a data-first approach and a single source of truth 
  • Empower your leaders in customer support, marketing, & product teams with a window into conversation insights on top customer frustration topics
  • Unlock the value of truly understanding and serving your customers based off their data signals

What is dark data? 

  • 90% of the world’s data was generated in just the last 2 years, and most of it is unstructured, dark data

  • Unstructured data examples: call-center transcripts, text messages, survey responses, customer reviews, emails, documents, and more
  • Challenge for businesses to unlock value of this data to understand customer voice to better serve customers

What can we unlock with dark data? 

  • Customer service leaders
  • Reveal top customer service frustration topics from transcripts, chat, and bots
  • Proactively empower & train your agents with context for complex requests and automate high-volume call center requests 
  • Marketing leaders
  • Identify positive or negative trending topics from social and blog data 
  • Proactively drive relevant and targeted marketing campaigns led by your customer preferences
  • Product leaders
  • Access product feedback for top issues and enhancements from social and chat data 
  • Proactively improve your product roadmap with a new capability or product to build advised by your customers

What does automation have to do with dark data?

  • A data-first approach is critical today for insights from your customer conversations to unlock automation and drive future success
  • The most valuable asset in the market is your unlocked data that is structured to eventually train LLMs and other innovative technologies to introduce true automation 
  • The result of continuing to serve customers without conversational data-first insights are continued challenges in customer satisfaction, agent attrition, and revenue 

What inspired the magic window? 

  • 90% of your data is unstructured and waiting to be unlocked
  • Lack of one dashboard for omni-channel conversational data 
  • Challenges of processing unstructured raw data 
  • Failed initiatives to build automation strategies that are bot-centric vs. customer centric

Learn more about a window into your conversations with Dashbot.

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Conversations are the lifeblood of your business. Get customer insights and signals with a window into your dark data.